DPB JANUARY 27, 2018

The appointment was made by the State Personnel Presidency and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security MoLSS with the appointment of 226 civil servants.

According to the annex 1 of Law No. 3713, it is determined that the Ministry of Family and Social Policy is entitled and that the appointment of a candidate near the martyr, the veteran and the veteran, notified to the State Personnel Presidency (226), the notary public in the State Personnel Presidency on Friday, .

When the proposals of the rights holders were made, the first provincial preferences and learning situations that they wanted to appoint were taken into account.

226 employees have the right to employ;
- veterinarians, sporting education specialists, social workers, nurses, health technicians, etc., taking into account the facts that 7 engineers, 12 teachers, 5 technicians, 17 technicians, , health technician, child educator,
- Of the 71 civil servants,
- 94 'with the title of servant,
- 1 of the workers' staff
assignment proposals were made.

131 of them were men, 95 were females.

The appointment proposals were made to the public institutions and organizations demanding personnel within this scope through the E-application system.
- 19 in the university,
- 20 of the ministry and its subsidiary,
- 2 public enterprise,
- 1 military institution,
 The total number is 42.

Interested parties can reach the assignment proposal results at http://euygulama.dpb.gov.tr/DPB_WEB/SorguSehitGaziAtama.aspx as of 17.10.2006 at 17:00.

Appointment of the interested parties will start from the time the letters arrive at the institutions, and in the following period the right holders of the employment should wait for the institutions to be notified of them after completing the appointment procedures.

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